There is a better, slower, calmer way to get the water out of your leeks and to gently brown them. That is not the way shown in this video. This is the fast and dirty way to do it when there are a lot of other things left to do on your prep list. Keep a close eye on your leeks especially when the water has just evaporated and they’re starting to brown quickly. Your wine or even some water will save them from getting too dark then lower the heat.
This video took forever to make. I have more hours into this edit than my last four combined. I am entirely sick of looking at that dumb pot with the dumb leeks in it listening to my dumb voice say the same dumb shit over and over again. This video is dead to me. I look forward to never watching it or listening to it ever again.
On a positive note I’ve learned so much more about editing with premier pro. I try out new techniques and dive deeper into old ones. It’s much better than using my phone but its complicated and limitless in terms of what you can do. I’m using the last few of these Quarantine Kitchen videos to teach myself how to edit properly. Each video should get easier and faster to finish.